Working With Agile-Based Development – When You’re Not A Developer

One of the big buzzwords that everyone has probably heard of when working with, or working as, developers is Agile Development. A large sect of this methodology does not directly impact a client and is more how developers work, as such we will gloss over those for now. Agile, as it relates to clients, be they big businesses, mom and pop shops, or single-person operations, is excellent when it comes to getting client involvement, engagement, and most importantly getting a client what they want and need, whether or not they can articulate it without seeing progress as it goes on.

Let’s go over how Agile allows this to happen:
1) As two week “sprints” or planned progress phases go on, user involvement is imperative and necessary. Client-developer communication is highlighted and emphasized to make sure that all business demands are met, as well as developer suggestions potentially being implemented with client approval.
2) The two week sprints allow for a relatively fixed time frame to see a certain amount of progress, so a client knows what to expect when.
3) Clients are engaged with developers and as such can test the functionality to ensure that it meets business demand.

With this level of engagement, level of continual deployment and testing availability, clients are better able to articulate incremental changes to the program. This prevents requested features from slipping through the cracks and helps speed the process of testing since there will be unbiased eyes (the clients’) on the application throughout the development process.

Agile: A methodology for developers that is *really* for the clients.
