
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium launches The Watering Hole Blog

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium came to us looking to develop a website dedicated to blogging that would showcase all four of their zoo properties, including The Wilds, Zoombezi Bay, and Safari Golf Club. Aptly named The Watering Hole, the blog website needed one centralized website to communicate about events, news, and provide educational content to their visitors, but with each zoo property individually managing each page. The Columbus Zoo team also needed it to be simple to manage using WordPress, which their marketing team was already experienced with. 

With the development of The Watering Hole, while the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium team wanted each of the four zoo properties to individually manage their own blogs they also wanted the ability to cross tag blog posts between the properties. Each of the zoo property blogs needed to have a WP instance, and a simple yet effective design that gets their message across to the visitors.

The result is a concise, easy to use and manage blog that lets the community know what is new and upcoming with the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, The Wilds, Zoombezi Bay, and Safari Golf Club. You can easily switch between the four zoo properties blog sites, and learn about all of the new events, scientific studies, and fun animal events that are happening!  And who doesn’t love to get to read about what’s new with animals? 

Check out The Watering Hole today to see what is new with The Wilds, Safari Golf Club, Zoombezi Bay, and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium!
