The balance of a project

This is a great article on balancing client expectations with Speed, Quality, and Cost. It’s perfect for what we do on a daily basis. Read the Article

New video idea

Check out these two sites if you are interested in creating great professional videos for your website.  These are quick and easy to develop so try them out.

Google Maps API for jQuery

If you are develping web applications that need to use the Google maps API check this out…  It allows you to create a simple online application that puts pins on a map but without the hassle of custom developing your own code to interface with the Google map objects.  We are currently building an iPhone and Droid app for a client that uses location based services (LBS) for the mobile application and sends the data to their website.  This looks like a great development tool for us to use.

Good Wiki for your website

If you’d like to have a quick wiki installed on your website check this one out.  It’s simple and ultra powerful and let’s you place it on any web server that you want.  Our developers use it for documenting all applications that they create for our clients.

Finding a good Online SEO Company

We work with good and bad SEO companies and we are sure you have questions.  There are a lot of bad companies out there but it’s hard to figure out a good or a bad one just form talking to them.  This article helps explain the differences.

Top website design mistakes

We work with a lot of web designers and we do some many sites that it’s easy to forget the basics.  Check out this article to stop doing the simple mistakes most web designers still do.  Hey we are guilty too.

More Great Wireframe tools

Matt found more tools for you to use to develop more accurate wireframes for your website.  Check out to see the current battle.

What is a microsite?

That’s a great question.  A microsite can have a lot of meanings to different people but to us it’s a website that is intended to either be up for a short period of time or is intended to only have a tiny amount of content in order to test a market.  Switchbox launches about one microsite every month for a client.  Our clients have used them to push a large amount of SEO/SEM traffic to a site to collect emails or other contact info.  Some microsites are for short term goals like promoting a product launch, providing information for a county fair, disaster relief, or a corporate initiative.  We have launching these sites down to a science.  Typically the website design, web hosting, and site installation are all done in less then a week and the site can be hosted for as little at $10 a month.  If you need a quick promotion for your business give us a call and see if a microsite makes sense for what you are doing.  If you’re interested check out our quote page for developing a website.

We just got a great comment from a poten

We just got a great comment from a potential client. Apparently they love and saw that we referenced their website in our proposal. I keep hearing great things from business owners about what the site is doing for them.

Why you need to register your domain

In case you haven’t heard the Dallas Cowboys forgot to register their domain name for their website and it cost them a lot of time, money and embarrasement.  This is exactly why you shouldn’t ask the intern to update your site.
