Batch Install Applications with Ninite

Prepping a new computer with a fresh load of Windows is often a pretty tedious task – critical apps that take significant amounts of time to install (Visual Studio, SQL Server, Management Studio, etc.) mixed together with hundreds of updates and service packs with your odd mix of browsers, media, chat, and other random apps takes hours at least, if not days.

Thankfully, a solution exists that consolidates a selection of the most common applications into a single, standalone installer: Ninite.

Simply custom build your app package via checkbox selections, and let the installer do all of the work!

There are lots of great options for web developers including all the major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox), popular chat clients (Skype, Google Talk, etc.), application runtimes (.NET, Flash, Java) and tools (JDK, Eclipse, Notepad++, Filezilla).

Definitely worth a look if you prepping (yet another) machine for web or client development.

Easy AR with Javascript

After doing some digging, I’ve finally found a decent Javascript Library for Augmented Reality. It uses Flash to receive data from your web cam. From there, it looks for a marker in the video feed. From there, it can tell where the corners are. I took it a little further and threw our logo on top. I also made it scale to the size of the box, so it has some depth.

Original Code:

Our Application:

How NOT to Design a Website

If you need to create a website, you could hire any old company to do it for you. However, you might end up with results like this (be warned – may induce epileptic seizures in sensitive individuals).

…Or you could just hire Switchbox to build your site. Our work tends to be of much higher quality.

New Site Launched

Congrats to Matt and Stephen for getting EyeScience launched.  Check it out at

iPhone development

A lot of clients ask us what it takes to build an iPhone app.  Most people assume that developing an iPhone app is as simple as writing the code and pushing it to Apple or Google.  There is a lot more work and a lot of things to consider.  This article does a great job of explaining all the pieice of software development, app development, and web development that goes into one simple app.

Check out our article in the Dispatch

We have two organizations to thank. First the State of Ohio for approving our economic development loan and the Dispatch for covering it.

Thanks to Telerik

Evan just got us so great giveaways for our .Net Developer Lunch for this week.  Telerik donated 2 “mystery” items for us to give to the people with the best submittions for newest ideas on jQuery which is our theme for this week.  Good job Evan and thanks to Telerik.

We are Hiring a .Net Developer

Sound like you? Go to

Load testing

Need to perform some baseline load testing?

Check out this free online solutions here –

Test up to 50 concurrent users on your site.

Windows Setup for Droid App Creation

Our very own Evan Cummings just created a video to help you get your windows enviroment up and running for Droid apps.  Check it out here
